Ultrasonic Testing Thickness Measurement – UTG LEVEL II
ASNT UT Level II Course Training and certification fee is $100
Course Contents:
This course focuses on the theory and principles of ultrasound – Properties of sound – Modes of Propagation – Behaviour of sound in a material – Longitudinal Waves – Interfaces – Beam spread, Attenuation – Effects of Reflector/Test Geometry- Ultrasonic Equipments – D Meter – Ultrasonic flaw detector (UFD) – Probes – Ultrasonic Equipment Checks -Calibration Blocks – Calibration of Equipments – UT Pulse-Echo Test Set up – Sensitivity setting – Thickness Measurement and lamination checks – Acceptance Criteria – Number of practical exercises on test specimens containing simulated flaws
This 24-hour course exceeds the instruction outline and criteria specified in the ASNT Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A, ANSI/ASNT CP-189 and ASNT Standard Topical Outlines for Qualification of Non-destructive Testing Personnel (ANSI/ASNT CP-105).
Ultrasonic Testing theory classes will be organized through online and/or offline and hand-on practical section will be arranged nearest feasible NDT test center.
Course Objectives:
The course objectives are as below:
- To explain the principles of Ultrasonic Testing
- To provide practical skills for carrying out ultrasonic thickness measurement and lamination check.
- To calibrate ultrasonic equipment and probes (D meter and UFD)
- To measure the thickness of steel plates and determine levels of attenuation
- To locate and evaluate laminations and thickness measurements
- To report the thickness measurement and/or size of lamination in typical plates/pipes
- To interpret and evaluate the test result as per international applicable codes & standards
Let us customize a training program for you that meets your training requirements.Contact Us Today
For more information, kindly call: +91 9500480248 / 8760202124 or email: training@onlinendts.com