Industrial Quality Inspection Services (IQIS)
Industrial Quality Inspection Services (IQIS), Chennai, India is a firm sponsor for this online NDT study web pages and online studies software. IQIS provides full support to develop and establish an online training program in different aspects. We would like hearty thanks to the IQIS NDT team.
About IQIS
IQIS – NDT team provides qualified Engineers, Inspectors, Supervisors, and technicians to perform Visual, Radiographic, Ultrasonic, Magnetic Particle, Liquid Penetrant, Eddy Current, and Phased Array Ultrasonic, TOFD inspections to any international code or specified client specifications.
IQIS experts can perform field inspections anywhere at the request of our clients. Our technicians are performing inspection services daily at field locations including fabrication shops, machine shops, construction sites, and other facilities. Wherever the need, our NDE Services Group provides reliable, expedient, and cost-effective services in a timely professional manner.
Reliable and trustable inspection services are essential in the industrial sector. Non-destructive testing methods, whether conventional or advanced, are numerous and each presents advantages and limitations. IQIS provides you with NDT consultancy services to help you select the method and application that fits best to your specific situation and project.
IQIS is ready to provide consultancy services in all NDT demands. Our aim is to achieve customer satisfaction by offering quality service. Keeping in mind that the advantages of any particular inspection method can only be realized when all aspects have been previously considered, our support ensures you the most appropriate solution.
Certified NDT Level III for various NDT techniques, our experts provide you a wide range of NDT consultancy services.
IQIS offers a wide range of non-destructive testing (NDT) services, applying various methods all around the world. We support our clients in the following methods:
Conventional NDT Methods
- Radiography Testing (RT)
- Magnetic Particle Testing (MT)
- Penetrant Testing (PT)
- Visual Testing (VT)
- Ultrasonic Testing (UT)
- Ultrasonic Thickness Testing (UTG)
Advanced NDT Methods
- Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT)
- Time of flight diffraction (TOFD)
- Eddy Current Testing (ET) – Tube
- Eddy Current Testing (ET) – Welds
Allied other testing services
- Positive material identification (PMI)
- Ferrite Content Measurement (FN)
- Hardness Testing (HT)
For more information, kindly contact us – training@onlinendts.com or +91 9500480248