Hands-On Practical Training
We introduce NDT to your technicians, engineers, or managers and provide them comprehensive training with hands-on practical sessions to help acquire NDT Level II / III certifications to further their careers.
Get hands-on experience on various NDT Methods and equipment’s and with the help of our instructors, you will complete actual NDT exams, interpret results and document your findings thereby interpreting and document your results and findings.
Each course is combined with hands-on practical sessions on actual industrial components to make the participants proficient in the NDT method certified.
ONDTS employs 3 full time-on-site and 5-part time Level III’s to offer the support to cater to your employees’ needs.
Please feel free to contact us for hands-on practical training schedules and pricing.
Available Training programs
- Level II in Ultrasonic Testing (UT)
- Level II in Ultrasonic Thickness Gauging (UTG)
- Level II in Ultrasonic Testing for TKY Joints
- Level II in Radiographic Testing (RT)
- Level II in Radiography Film Interpretation (RI)
- Level II in Magnetic Particle Testing (MT)
- Level II in Liquid Penetrant Testing (PT)
- Level II in Visual Testing (VT)
- Level II in Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT)
- Level II in Time of flight diffraction (TOFD)
- Level II in Eddy Current Testing (ECT)
For more information, kindly contact us – training@onlinendts.com or +91 9500480248